LUNCH! You could be saving at least £100 a month
Do you ever wonder how much you could be saving if you did not buy the delicious pizza or freshly made sandwich during your lunch? The cost of going out to eat for lunch can vary- you may spend £5 on a sandwich or go to a café and spend £5 – 10. To paint a larger picture, if you spend on average £5 a day on lunch, you could be spending up to £100 a month and up to £1200 a year. It is a lot of money, don’t you agree? And, if you’re not careful and aware of your spending, that’s an area that can creep up on you and lead to something disastrous, such as credit card debt.
When bringing your lunch to work, it provides great potential to help you save money and minimise the cost of spending. The money which saved could go towards travel or the new bag or gadget on your wish list. Of course, you do not have to bring your own lunch 100% of the time, it is fun to eat at tasty restaurants and socialise with your co-workers.
Here is how you could be saving at least £100 a month on lunch. Ensure you create a lunch plan before you shop so that you know exactly what you need to buy in order to make the lunch. You could pre-prepare the lunch in batches. Remember to cook enough which would last for a couple of days, of course, you could mix and match depending on what you cook so you would not get bored of eating the same thing. You could use a container to store the food and store it in the fridge and for longer periods, the freezer could be an option.
By cooking your own lunch it benefits your health, it allows you to know what ingredients is going into your food and cooking can be relaxing too. Another favourite factor of mine is, it helps meet your fitness goals. When you plan out your lunch ahead of time not only are you learning portion control but fuelling your body with wholesome nutritional food just makes you want to work out that much more.