6 Handy Tips For Tackling Hay Fever

As the weather starts improving, no doubt we’ll all be spending a bit more time outdoors, soaking up that rare British sunshine. But with a lot of pollen in the air around summertime, it’s important to take some measures to stay protected from hay fever. There’s no sure way to fully get rid of hay fever altogether, but there are some things you can do to minimise its effects and make sure you enjoy the summertime. Give your eyes some relief from hay fever and airborne allergies this summer with this feel good’s handy tips.
1. Limit Your Exposure
This can be difficult especially when you want to soak up this British sunshine. However, the pollen count is typically at its highest early in the morning and the evening, so at these times try to stay inside and keep the windows closed if you can. If you are heading out, try to avoid areas with vast plains of grass, vegetation, and flowers where the pollen count will be exceptionally higher.
2. Give Yourself An Eye Wash
You can also use clean water to wash your eyes. Alternately, you can also use disposable eye wipes to clean the outer area of your eye. Eye drops are a fast way of getting so relief from dried out and itchy eyes. The eye drops will help to flush the pollen out of your eyes. Reintroducing some moisture could alleviate some of the irritating effects of hay fever.
3. Invest In Vaseline
This has become a popular remedy which people are testing out lately. When you wake up in the morning and get dressed and ready for work, you could smear a small amount of petroleum jelly or a nasal barrier balm under your nose, as it can help to trap some of the pollen.
4. Dry Your Washing Indoors
If you’ve done a load of washing, try drying the clothing/towels and beddings inside. This is to prevent the pollen sticking and infiltrating into the garments which you could breathe in.
5. Find A Good Antihistamine
Antihistamines are the most common treatment for hay fever. Use them when you experience symptoms or, if you know which type of pollen you’re allergic to, you can take them during your hay fever season to stop symptoms before they happen. It’s important to know which antihistamines make you drowsy, this might disturb your daily tasks. Therefore, speak to your doctor or pharmacist and make sure you’re getting an effective medicine that won’t disrupt your day.
6. Keep Windows Closed
This could be challenging especially during hot summers day and night. At home, make sure you keep your windows closed in the morning and evening when pollen counts are highest. Tree pollen tends to peak in the early afternoon, while grass tends to be worse in the morning before 11 am and again in the late afternoon and early evening from about 4.30 pm.