5 Tips on Keeping a Healthy Heart

As we get older the heart is constantly changing your blood and vessels. Although this is normal, there are various diseases which are a threat to the human heart. Instead of waiting and hoping you don’t have these in the future, there is something you can do about it now. Below are 5 key tips on keeping your heart as healthy as possible.
Quit Smoking
Smoking is the biggest cause for heart related diseases. It is never too late to quit smoking and see the immediate benefits you have, not to mention it will reduce the chances of future heart problems massively.
Regular Exercise
You don’t necessarily have to do hours and hours of exercise a week for it to have a positive effect on your heart. Try and aim for half an hour of exercise at least a few times a week. Try and participate in something you enjoy, such as swimming, football, jogging or cycling.
Healthy Diet
There are certain foods you can avoid to maintain a healthy heart. These are salty or fatty foods and if you can, try to eat more low fat foods, with a mix of vegetables and fruit. It is important to keep the consistency in your diet and the best way to do so is creating a diet plan and sticking to it.
Maintain Your Weight
You can measure your weight and body mass index at your local health centre. An index of 25 or more is at risk of a heart related disease. A regular weight check can motivate you to continue your healthy eating and exercise, by seeing the results of your efforts.
Keep Calm
It may be the simplest and most obvious solution to maintaining a healthy heart, but reducing your stress levels can directly help avoiding heart problems. So try and keep calm in your day to day activities.
There are no guarantees for avoiding heart diseases, but by following these simple tips, you can reduce the risk no matter what age you are.